Between Uzbekistan and ICAO was signed a strategic action plan for 2024-2026, providing support for the flight safety of civil aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

A delegation led by the director of the CAA Uzbekistan, Takhir Nazarov, participated in a First meeting of the COSPA’s Strategic Review Board (SRB) for Uzbekistan, which took place on June 18, 2024, in Paris.

During the meeting, a state strategic action plan (COSPA) for 2024-2026 was signed to support the Republic of Uzbekistan in enhancing aviation safety. The COSPA was developed by ICAO in cooperation with the CAA of Uzbekistan.

The COSPA will be implemented with the assistance of partners, including France (DGCA and BEA), the USA (FAA and NTSB), as well as ACI/ACI-Europe, IATA, AIRBUS, BOEING and the World Bank.

The Republic of Uzbekistan is the first State in ICAO to benefit from a COSPA programme.