Departments managers

Nabiev Ravshan Abdukhalilovich

Head of Flight Safety Oversight Department

Management and management of the Division for Certification and Oversight of Flight Support and Operations, the Division for Certification of Aerodromes and Oversight of Air Traffic Management, and the Division for Oversight of Technical Operation, Repair and Production of Aircraft

Nishanov Rustam Mamunkulovich

Chief of Department of Certification and Oversight for Flight Оperation

Certification and supervision of the activities of aircraft operators (airlines) and aviation training centers of aviation enterprises. Supervision of compliance with the rules of production and flight support of civil and experimental aircraft.

Umarov Ulugkhuja

Head of Air Navigation, Air Traffic Control Supervision and Permits for One-Time Flights

Supervision over the observance of the rules of air traffic management and use of the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the issuance of permits for one-time flights, supervision over the organization of meteorological, radio engineering, electrical lighting.

Khalitov Shavkat Ravilevich

Chief of the department for issuing and renewing certificates to aviation personnel

Issuance and extension of certificates of air personnel (flight, dispatch and engineering staff). Assignment, confirmation, increase (decrease) in the qualification class and categories of air personnel. Recognition of certificates of aviation specialists of other states.

Nigmatova Surayo Ibrahimovna

Main medical expert-inspector of the department for issuing and renewing certificates to aviation personnel

Appointment and control of the activities of the medical flight expert commission of airlines. Approval of medical reports of the medical flight expert commission of the Civil Aviation for aviation specialists and cadets of educational institutions of the Civil Aviation according to the regulation on the medical examination of the Civil Aviation - 2002. Control of medical reports issued by the medical flight expert commission of the Civil Aviation Commission for aviation specialists admitted to work when they reach 55 years of age and above. Making a final expert decision to the flight and dispatching staff of the "Uzaviation" Agency, after passing the examination and examination at the medical flight expert commission of the Civil Aviation.

Baymurzaeva Nargiza Bahtiyarovna

Chief of Operational Inspection Department of Foreign Operators

Organization and implementation of supervision over aircraft operators of foreign airlines performing regular and one-time flights to civil aviation airfields of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Issuance of operational permits for regular flights to the Republic of Uzbekistan by operators of foreign states. Preparation of documents for the implementation of ICAO standards and recommended practices in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Interaction on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the International Organization of the Civil Aviation and its regional bodies on the activities of the Civil Aviation.

Khudaykulov Rovshan Mukhitdinovich

Chief of the department for accounting and supervision of the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles

Accounting for unmanned aerial vehicles of civil aviation.
Admission of operators to control unmanned aerial vehicles of civil aviation.
Development of procedures, rules, instructions and other documents for the operation and accounting of unmanned aerial vehicles of civil aviation.

Khripunov Dmitry Igorevich

Chief of Department of Information and Communications Technology

Implementation of the state policy in the field of informatization at the "Uzaviation" Agency, development and implementation of comprehensive departmental programs for the implementation and development of information and communication technologies, automation of the collection, processing and storage of information.

Lisenko Dmitriy Petrovich

Chief of aviation security and anti-corruption department

Supervision of compliance by operators, airports and aviation enterprises, as well as relevant ministries, departments, institutions and organizations of civil aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with applicable laws and regulations in the field of aviation security.

Salakhitdinov Rustam Zainabidinovich

Chief of the airworthiness department

Supervision of compliance with the rules of technical operation and repair of civil aircraft, the rules for the production of civil aviation equipment. Certification of aircraft maintenance organizations. State registration of civil aircraft. Issuance of airworthiness certificates for a civilian aircraft instance. Issue of noise certificate for civil aircraft. The issuance of a certificate for the radio equipment of civil aircraft.

Nigmatullayev Islom Nusratilla o’g’li

Chief of the department of certification of aerodromes and issuance of permits for the placement of objects in areas of aerodromes

Organization and support of certification of aerodromes of civil and experimental aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Organization and implementation of control over the aerodrome and ornithological support of flights. Monitoring activities that could be a safety hazard. Control over obstacles and the issuance of permits for the placement of objects in areas of aerodromes.

Niyazov Avas Giyazovich

Head of the Department for Supervision of Search, Rescue and Fire Safety of Flights

Supervision and control of compliance by operators (owners) of aircraft and airfields, airlines, as well as educational aviation institutions of civil and experimental aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the requirements of search, rescue and fire safety of flights

Date the page was updated: 20.04.2020 10:19:24

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